A management system for companies is a system for recording, analysing and continually improving every task and business procedure you run. It’s not just about documenting best practice, it’s about creating a structure that aids in the growth of your organisation and helps people work together effectively. You can end up with people marching to the same drum without a system for managing. This can lead to inefficiencies and friction, which eventually leads to a sloppy experience for customers.
A Company Management System is a way to manage your business and give your staff a point of reference for making sure that procedures are adhered to. It could take the form of lengthy documents or flow diagrams. It can also be as simple as a page on an intranet or as sophisticated as software. Whichever way you decide to implement it, a well-designed BMS can help new employees understand the way your business operates more quickly and will enable employees to understand and optimise procedures to secure better quality.
One of the great things about a company management system is that it can be used to help support any of the management standards, from food safety to business continuity and security management of information. The standards themselves are laid out in a similar manner, and there’s often cross-over of terms that make it easier for those familiar with one system of management to understand another.
SPAN offers a variety of templates, tools and software to help you create, document and manage an organization’s management system. We can assist you throughout your management system journey, from developing the strategy to implementing a framework, auditing, training, and implementing continuous improvements.